Tuesday, September 11, 2012

On this September 11

On this September 11 remember this:
There is no such this as a "real America" or "authentic Amerca" or "more deserving Americans." There's only America- a nation of Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Blacks, Whites, Rich Folks, Poor Folks, Middleclass Folks, Hispanics, Asians, Africans, City Folk, Coutry Folk, Mountain Dwellers, Mermaids, Republicans, Democrats, Independents, Libertarians, and ...the list goes on and on. Not a single one of these groups has more or less of a right to live and work and play in this country.

Our history is filled with bright chapters that make us rejoice together in pride, as well as dark chapters that make us all hang our head in shame. You can rest assure that the chapters to come will be filled with more pride and shame, but as long as we acknowledge and own that shame and learn to be better Americans from it then we can continue to hold our heads high. Remember to respect your fellow Americans, no matter what they look like or what they believe.

For the folks who have fought and have died for our pride, our shame, and our freedom: As a proud American, I will forever salute you. You didn't die or put yourself in harm's way for me to make arbitray distinctions between Americans, you died and fought for one America and I honor your sacrifice.

To the innocent who lost their lives and loved ones during the September 11th tragedy, you will never be forgotten.

-From a proud American

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Are you better off than you were four years ago?

"Are you better off today than you were four years ago"

I'll give that one a resounding yes.

Sometimes I snicker to myself when I hear folks talking about "the economy this" and "the economy that" when they know good and darn well that their lazy behinds would fair poorly in any economy; their lives have not changed for the better or for worse because they've not seriously tried to make anythin...g better. They want someone to hand them they're dream job because somewhere along the way they got the idea that life owed them something because of their social status, education, ethnicity, lineage, good looks, tragic upbringing, etc. And now that four years have passed, they are disillusioned because life is not what they wished it to be ("wished" being the operative word)

Four years ago I was not far removed from college and was struggling to pay my bills, but four years ago I made the conscious choice to survive at all cost. Survival did not mean going back home to live with mom and dad. Survival did not mean finding a man to support me or expecting the government to do so (though I don't knock gov. assistance to those who really need it)). Survival meant making hard choices like choosing between food and gas (cracker sandwich for dinner, anyone?). Survival meant making sacrifices until I was in a better place. Survival meant sucking up my pride and driving a banged up 1997 Cadillac Deville (with the busted door and duct taped mirror) until I could afford something swankier. Survival meant being heartbroken at having to sit out a semester of grad school because I just couldn't afford it. Survival meant staying positive through it all because I could not afford to give up on me and on what God has for me.

No matter who makes it to the White House, four years from now Kaity Parson will be better off because as far as Kaity Parson is concerned, that's her only option. Folks better learn how to survive and thrive and take responsibility for their lives. Blame the President all you want but recognize your role in your own future. As a friend of mine posted this morning, you'd better stop waiting on the superhero to come save the day because he/she is not coming. I definitely can't say that I've "arrived" (believe me, I have not), but I am living comfortably--

-And that's the thing, you see- I am comfortable, so I am continuing that UNcomfortable press forward because I know that as soon as I become too comfortable I start to lose and my life becomes worse than it was. Is it scary at times? God yes, but what choice do I have?