Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Concerning the relevancy of Black History Month

When Will We No Longer Need a Black History Month???


1) When people stop acting like Black and White history existed in two separate dimensions of time that happened to merge in the 50s

2) When American history books start having more than 3 chapters about Black people (the one about how we got here, the one about how we got free, and the one about how we got rights)

3) When people sto...p saying that racism does not exists because ONE powerful Black man does exist

4) When people stop being offended by the concept of Black History Month... and stop saying things like "Why don't we have a white history month?” (the answer to that profound question being that we are already smothered by the overwhelming whiteness of history, but kudos on being such a deep thinker for coming up with that question…)

5) When people stop saying "just get over" slavery and realize that there are living people who are not that far removed from and still affected by slavery, so “get over it” is easier said than done (by the way- the woman formerly known as the world's oldest Black woman, Louisiana Hines, just died on Friday; she was born in 1899 and her grandfather was a slave)

6) When we no longer have unprosecuted murderers enjoying a life of retirement instead of rotting in jail for civil rights era crimes (you are never too old to pay the price for castrating and lynching someone)

7) When the concept of racial superiority no longer exists (you'd be surprised that it exists at the level that it does now)

8) When there are no longer any 1st black _________

9) When a black president doesn't have to consider the extent to which he can engage black groups and issues so that other ethnic groups don't feel threatened (By the way, I am disappointed, Mr. President...)

10) When Black History is more than just MLK and Rosa Parks for our nation's children

11) When the summation of Martin Luther King's legacy is no longer defined by a very small segment of a 17-minute long speech... or by the name of a shady street in the worst part of town...

12) When people acknowledge the contributions of Black Americans and all other Americans outside the confines of one month

13) When people no longer think that HBCUs are inherently racist.... because these schools NEVER WOULD HAVE EXISTED, had Blacks been allowed to attend our nations universities (and you cannot expect these institutions to close their doors because other schools want us now)

Feel free to add to or disagree with my list...