Saturday, November 10, 2012

Oh, you donated a million to a losing candidate?

I do not feel sorry for the disillusioned million dollar donors who are angry at Karl Rove and the Romney campaign over the lost election. This is what you asked for with the Citizens United ruling. Were you so blinded by the dollar potential that you neglected to consider that behind every big gain is the potential for a big loss? Remember the old saying, "The bigger they are, the harder they fal...l"? Well, you asked for bigger and I bet that fall hit you pretty hard. From what I've read, Karl Rove's superpacs spent over $300 million on Republican candidates with a 1% return for American Crossroads and a 14% return for Crossroads GPS. I'm no stock broker but those numbers don't sound good, and when you're essentially betting millions on a two-horse race you either have to win big or you go home.

Friday, November 9, 2012

“Nigger” and Post-Racial America

I am intrigued by the use of the word "nigger" by young people who scarcely have a connection to a word so old and ugly. I’d like to know from where does a 16 year old or even a 20 year old pull this type of vitriol? Really, I am struggling with the concept of how a person... born in the 90's finds themselves uttering such an old, nasty term. It perplexes me how the same young people who are so detached from history that they can scarcely understand the magnitude of the Jewish Holocaust have somehow managed to find relevance and a renewed vigor for “nigger.”

Now, before you jump to the hip hop connection, let me clarify that I'm not talking about the profusion of the word "nigga" in hip hop music, as reckless and destructive as it may be, because this is different. I am talking about the hateful and targeted use of “nigger” as an epithet. These kids have managed to not only yank this word into present day discourse, but also to pull the historically insidious and hateful spirit behind the word into 2012.

Concerning post-racial America: anyone bold enough to come in my face and say that America is post-racial will be eating my stiletto (<-a dramatization, of course), because we are not post racial; we are present-racial and in deep denial about it. And for young people to so embrace the spirit of "nigger," well, that just confirms for me that the race factor never went anywhere. Racism has yet to have its yesterday; it is still our today, and my heart breaks over it, as I know the heart of many Americans- black, white, and so on- aches over the same.

So quit telling me to stop acknowledging the dreadful past of my black ancestors—no wait, not my ancestors, but my living breathing relatives who LIVED through that dreadful past—if you will not let the hate of the past die.

God bless America, God help America, God heal America- that is my prayer. Amen

Thursday, November 8, 2012

A Brief Word Concerning "Chicken Little" Christians

If you're a Christian declaring the end of the world due to the outcome of the Presidential election you should stop looking to the hills and remember your source. I don't know about you, but I'm covered so I'm not any more worried about the Obamapocalypse than I am about the Mayan doomsday prophecy. God is always in charge and will use who He will; our approval of neither the plan nor the man is required. We must continue to pray for our leaders and the direction of this country, no matter who is in charge.