Saturday, November 10, 2012

Oh, you donated a million to a losing candidate?

I do not feel sorry for the disillusioned million dollar donors who are angry at Karl Rove and the Romney campaign over the lost election. This is what you asked for with the Citizens United ruling. Were you so blinded by the dollar potential that you neglected to consider that behind every big gain is the potential for a big loss? Remember the old saying, "The bigger they are, the harder they fal...l"? Well, you asked for bigger and I bet that fall hit you pretty hard. From what I've read, Karl Rove's superpacs spent over $300 million on Republican candidates with a 1% return for American Crossroads and a 14% return for Crossroads GPS. I'm no stock broker but those numbers don't sound good, and when you're essentially betting millions on a two-horse race you either have to win big or you go home.

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