Friday, May 3, 2013

"EARN ME"- What I think of Olivia Pope's Declaration

People don't work to earn a thing if they can't see the value in it... 

Some people just don't have an eye for quality; they put all of their time and effort into fool's gold. Others go looking for genuine gold, but go to places where gold cannot form and spend a lifetime asking questions like, "Why can't I find any gold in this concrete?"

Others are just too lazy to work for the finer things in life, so if you're not handing out gold nuggets on the street corner, they are simply not interested. And then there are those who recognize that some things have the appearance of quality (like gold plated jewelry), but are not quality through and through and are, therefore, not worth as much trouble to obtain...

But why would anyone put any effort into the gold anyway? What value does it hold?

Well, it is valued for its beauty and its unique characteristics. It is strong; it does not rust, tarnish, or corrode but maintains its luster over time. Even ancient items forged from gold still exist today because gold has staying power and is durable. Gold is rare; and while there are many imitations, only the real thing has these valuable qualities.

Are you catching my meaning?

I know what you’re thinking: “The price of gold changes all the time so how valuable is it really?” While that may be true, price fluctuations due to demand or popularity do not change the rarity, beauty, and durability of gold. Whether we want it right now, or see the value in it now, gold is still gold and will outlast a multitude of cheaper trends. 

So. If you are a gold nugget, then yes, he will work to earn you. But if you’re wearing a visage of gold, then ask yourself how much you’d work to earn what you’re offering; and if you've put yourself in places not worthy of your value, know that you can not be earned because you can not be found, because you are out of place. 

If you are truly golden, you will endure and you will shine.

May we all recognize our worth, and put our feet to the fire to expel the impurities that dilute our quality; and may we recognize those who’ll pay big money upfront for the privilege of having gold, only to cast it aside once it’s obtained… 

Thanks for the reminder, Ms. Pope.

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