Monday, October 15, 2012

Random Musing: Candidates and rolled-up sleeves

Random musing:

I think it's funny how candidates go out on the campaign trail in the same attire: button-down shirt (no tie) with top button undone and sleeves rolled up to the elbows. I know it's supposed to be the "I am every man" look, but I don't think this is a common look for the average man (I think the average man just puts on a short-sleeved shirt). Maybe this look is just the typical "w...orking politician" look; the look that says, "I am one quick-change away from being "suited up," but I can get down and dirty with the best of them." I don't know...

However, I am reminded of a time when I was being interviewed for a job by a pompous business owner who made a great show of shaking himself like a pitbull as he held his arms out high and wide and, with great fanfare, rolled up his sleeves and said "Now, let's get down to business," and all the while, I'm thinking, "The business of what? Washing dishes or digging a ditch?" Because anything else should not require a wardrobe adjustment...

If you're curious, that interview did not go very well. I think both of us thought the other was full of it- I, for refusing to work for free for a two week "trial period" (gtfoh); and he, for having the audacity to make that ridiculous request and then telling me that no one would be willing to pay me the salary I desired without "trying me out" first. The interview ended with me saying some variation of "you need to learn how a legitimate vetting and hiring process works" and him saying "we'll get back to you" (he didn't)...

So goes my memorable experience with the hard-working, every-man with the rolled-up sleeves... unfortunately, he's not the only man with rolled-up sleeves that's handing out a load of b.s.

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