Thursday, January 17, 2013

Today's Musing: Learning from the Best

People always want to learn from those who are at the top of their game. They ask their friend with the voice of an angel to teach them how to sing, they ask their friend who played college basketball to teach them how to ball, they ask the super-fit guy in the gym to workout with them, they ask the high-achiever in their class to be in their study group, they ask the gifted write...r to help them with their college essay.

But here's what often happens next: they find out that the singer practices 12 hours per week, and the basketball star is on the court at 5am, and the super-fit guy trains HARD every day, and the high achiever is studying when everyone else is partying, and the gifted writer hasn't watched TV in months but reads profusely and writes prolifically...

What they find out is that those at the top of their game work extremely hard to stay there, and if they expect to be apprenticed by them they must do the same. But that's hard to do, so many, many fall away because it's easy to say, "I can do what they can do" without understanding the totality of their sacrifice. You must understand and respect their sacrifice and be willing to go as hardcore as they, because it's not a game to them, it's a lifestyle.

So, if you're about a quick and easy return, don't waste your time going to a pro, because they will recognize your b.s. and be offended that you take so lightly what they hold most dear.

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