Thursday, June 21, 2012

I May be Single; However...

In today's post I'd like to address the topic of singleness. I am a single, never-been-married young woman. I do not have any children. I live my life as I please and make decisions based on what is best for my household of one. As far as I can tell, I am a happy, healthy, and fully-functioning human being, but for whatever reason, I and other unmarried individuals are constantly being asked to explain exactly why we are single, what is wrong with us, and when we're going to fix our brokenness and finally get married.

I could write a long wordy response to these folks who are so concerned about our pitiful, unfulfilled single lives (since they deserve an explanation and all), but instead I will offer the follow list of responses to all of the questions and commentary I've ever received from family, friends, and complete strangers concerning my single status. Also, I encourage you, my single readers, to send this link to your nosy aunts who keeps reminding you that you're "not getting any younger," or to your way-more-involved-in-your-life-than-professionalism-allows bosses who keep asking you inappropriate questions about your personal life, or to that acquaintance of yours who keeps reminding you about how his or her life did not begin until marriage... May we one day live in a world in which we never have to address these things again:

I May be Single; However...

-I am not lonely
-I have a life
-My life has purpose
-I am not incomplete
-I do not need your pity

-I am not bitter
-I do not have "something wrong" with me
-I am not jealous of your marriage
-I am not idly biding my time waiting on Mr. Right to rescue me, because...
-I do not need rescuing
-I am not thirsty for the attention of a man

-I am not a lesbian
-I do NOT want your husband... so stop giving me the stink eye, crazy married lady.
-I do not need your help finding a relationship
-I do not want to date your son (stop it, moms)
-I do not need unsolicited advice about how to make myself more appealing to men
-I do not need a self help book 

-I do not hate men
-I do not need for you to tell me that I'm special (because I am not single due to a lack of specialness...)
-I do not doubt my worth

-My "ship" has not "sailed" and I have not "missed" the "boat"
-I do not think marriage is the cat's meow
-I do not fear going to the movies or eating a meal by myself

-My uterus will not break if I don't get married and have babies tomorrow
-I do not need you to invite me as the third wheel to your love fest (really, I'm good)
-I am not lacking in love (I am loved by many and I wholeheartedly love them back)
-My womb does not ache for children
-I do not need "some dick in my life" to mellow me out (as if!)
-I do not need a husband to pay my bills because I will survive

Hopefully this list will shame folks into not making these ridiculous assertions... or at the very least, will provide you with a good laugh and a quick retort ;-) 

Happy living!

1 comment:

  1. With all due respect, the mindset behind all those points are among the many reasons you would be an exceptional wife if/when you ever decide to be one. Ain't nothin' wrong with being single... and more times than not there is a whole lot right with it.
