Thursday, June 14, 2012

A Welcome to You, the Intellectual Sophisticate

Hello and welcome to my blog page, The Intellectual Sophisticate: A Worldly Prospective.  Here you will find the daily rants, musings, opinions, and philosophies of a lady who fancies herself a fledgling Renaissance woman. As is to be expected, you, the reader, may not agree with everything I put before you, but I promise that your opinion will always be respected here; additionally, I do thank you for respecting and valuing my opinion enough to visit this site.

Now, in case you were considering the title of my blog (“a bit pretentious, eh?”  you may have said to yourself), I must explain to you from whence the name was born.  During a brainstorming session with a fellow blogger, professional, and intellectual sophisticate (because being an “I.S.” is a thing now) I was asked the following question: "What three words best describe you?" I immediately balked at the question, as I always did when someone asked me that particular question, because it was one that I found dreadfully asinine (dreadfully asinine of course, only because I hadn’t a decent answer for it…).

After a brief whine- because I really can’t long suffer the whining of any person, least of all my own for too long- my friend reminded me of the importance of not only branding one’s own self, but also having control of that brand and I was able to come up with a few words, sophisticated and intellectual being two of them.

And here we are at the present. If you haven’t picked up on it already, you will find that my writings are full of asides, outbursts, and daydreams. I am also incredibly wordy. Please don't despise me for it; it’s just the way I am. Perhaps too much of my childhood spent with my head buried in a book has made me a bit whimsical, but I have learned over the years to embrace that little sprite within me because to silence her is to silence all that is love and earnest and sophisticated and playful and spirited  and intelligent about me ...  

So, please, for goodness’ sake, just let me twinkle, ok? And, of course, being the intellectual sophisticate that you are (remember, it’s a thing now), you are free to twinkle away unabashedly in my presence.

Enjoy the blog! Or disdain it if you must; I don’t much care, though I prefer the former…

-Happy living, my loves!


  1. I've been looking forward to this. Thank you for finally giving your fans what they wanted.

    1. It's been a long time coming but it's finally here. I know at least one person (you) who will provide me with the push that I need to stay consistent. ;-)
