Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Why "Skimpy" is a Lazy Style Choice (and Bad for our Mental Alacrity)

Yes we know- you've got the body so you flaunt it. Maybe it took you 26 years to finally grow into those good looks of yours and you want to the world, "I've come a long way, baby." Maybe you just lost 100 pounds and your newly liberated self is finally ready for that ultra mini skirt and tube top; or, maybe you're just a free thinker and whatever you darn well please!

I get it- you're grown, so all of that is well and good, but for the record, your "when in doubt, let it all hang out" style of dress isn't particular clever. In fact, it's down right lazy. There are many ways to accentuate the positive without putting it on display. It takes a lazy person to say, "Hey! I've got big boobs so I'll wear v-neck halter tops everyday," or "I've got a derriere that'll put a Kardashian to shame so I only wear spandex," or even, "I've got a rock hard stomach so I'm going to fill my closet with midriff baring tops." 

-It's like only driving your Lamborghini Aventador at the top speed of 217 miles per hour simply because you can. Yes, we are thrilled by the speed, now how about slowing it down so that we can see what else the car can do. Besides, it's a Lamborghini, so we're already impressed, even without the reckless driving (are you following me?).

Now back to that lazy style of yours- how about putting forth a little effort for a look that is beguiling but doesn't scream "I'm ready for sex at a moment's notice!"? I implore you, Stop making it so easy for people to see what you have to offer and get creative with your style choices. Remember, there is a such thing as having too much of a good thing and eventually people will get bored as a result of overexposure... or they'll avoid your particular brand of sensory overload altogether.

You see, an imagination is a beautiful thing and the capacity of humans for imaginative thought never ceases to amaze me. Unfortunately, your "let it all hang out" style choice daily assaults our minds with the contours and secrets of your body, thereby crippling our brains of the capacity for creative and imaginative thought. In fact, your peers probably couldn't imagine their way out of a Grimm Brothers tale if their lives depended on it, since the availability of "all things sacred and secret" about your body renders the imagination without purpose. 

Do you get what I'm saying? Not only is your style choice a lazy one, but also your laziness is infecting the creative process in the brains of those around you! 

So please, let those folks around you get some use out of their neocortex and thalamus (imagination sources in the brain) and give us a little less of you. And even if you find that you don't receive as much attention as you used to, I'm sure that the quality of the attention that you do receive will make up for it.

That is, unless that "I'm ready for sex" look I mentioned earlier is working out for you... then yeah, just stick with that...

I hope I haven't angered anyone... Happy living!

1 comment:

  1. Amen...ladies, please put on some clothes and leave something to the imagination...
