Monday, June 18, 2012

"Who We Are" vs. "Who We're Supposed To Be"

For many of us there's an internal armed conflict between Who We Are and Who We’re Supposed To Be; and while we've been involved in this conflict for quite a while, it is time now for us to get serious with our destiny and declare an all out war.

The problem here is that we've gotten use to the never ending scuffles- we win a few, we lose a few, but because we are not fully engaged in battle we lack strategy and focus. Months turn into years and years turn into decades and all the while we stay on the defense, stamping out small fires with a ragtag group of ne’er-do-wells.

But the skirmishes have continued long enough. You can’t let Who You Are continue to taunt Who You’re Supposed To Be. The reality is that Who You Are knows that Who You’re Supposed To Be has power and authority, but as long as you’re distracted with the “this is who I am” excuses, you’ll never make it to the other side.

The time is now to go on the offense- declare war against Who You Are because Who You’re Supposed To Be is yours for the taking. Develop your plan, send in the tactical team, and call your allies for reinforcement. Do what you have to do, but make up in your mind that you will not continue to exist simply as Who You Are when Who You’re Supposed To Be is your destiny.

And as with all wars, people will tell you that you’re fighting a losing battle, that you should not have engaged in the first place, that the battle is not worth fighting for, or that the war will never end, but don’t believe them.

THEY don’t know your plans

THEY are too short sighted to understand strategy.

And THEY stopped fighting for their destiny a long time ago.

So please stay encouraged, endure, and keep fighting. You will become Who You’re Supposed To Be.

And you will know what it is to struggle and fight for something meaningful.

And you will NEVER take it for granted.

Happy living, my friends


  1. "The reality is that Who You Are knows that Who You’re Supposed To Be has power and authority, but as long as you’re distracted with the “this is who I am” excuses, you’ll never make it to the other side."

    If I was in church, I would have run down the aisle when I read that. That is a great message for a Monday morning. Thank you.

  2. Kaity, after listening to your father read your blog during his sermon on Father's day on Daddyism I just had to find and read it for myself. I am so very proud of the woman you have become. I received encouragement today from this blog. May God continue to bless, keep and use you.
    Love, J.Stark

  3. Another well done piece..Change is difficult because as it is often said, familiarity breeds content (or contempt depending...) Anyway, thanks for sharing your wisdom and continue to grow wiser...

  4. Thanks everyone, there's a song that I love that says "Encourage yourself" and sometimes these post do just that. I am encouraging myself and it is good to know that others are being encouraged as well.
