Friday, June 15, 2012

Unfunny People: An Incredibly Random Rant (you have been warned)

I believe that we do the world a disservice when we laugh at the jokes and musings of unfunny people.

We all have done it- maybe we were trying to be polite… maybe we wanted to spare one’s feelings… maybe the joker was extremely good-looking so we laughed out of sheer attraction to the person and not to what was actually coming out of his or her mouth…

Whatever the reason, we are really making the world a more uncomfortable place for us all because of this nonsense. And now-God help us-we have a pandemic level of people walking around making everyone feel uncomfortable with their awful yarn.

Now, I’m sure you’ve been there before- staring at the expectant face as you try to muster up uproarious- or at least convincing- laughter at an ill-delivered joke… or giving a wry smile or “harrumph” of acknowledgment, just so you can get past the whole unfunny business and get on with your life. What about that moment when you’re in a crowd of people all staring at their toes as, to everyone’s chagrin, the unfunny person repeats the joke for the third time because the crowd “didn’t get it” the first two times…

Maybe your spouse is the wannabe funnyman/woman so you are forced to laugh out of solidarity as your friends give you and him the side eye and roll their eyes heavenward… Maybe you yourself are a genuinely funny person, so you act as something of a “clean-up” funnyman, providing a clever aside to your friend’s terrible joke, making everyone forget about the god-awful beginning of the thing. Unfortunately, truly funny people are constantly under attack by unfunny people who corner them with bad jokes to get the validation of their laugh...

Maybe you've found yourself in a situation in which you were unable to dignify a terrible joke with a laugh so you said, “Oh, that’s funny.” If you have done this, please know that you have committed an offense more egregious than false laughter by giving an explicit false declaration of hilarity instead of sticking to the ambiguity that a laugh could have provided...

Now I know what you're thinking- this is a random (and much too long) rant if there ever was one. And believe you me; I do not deliver this rant from a funny “high-horse,” as my own particular brand of humor is routinely misunderstood (I suspect many of you will not find this rant to be funny in the least and I really did try…). However, we as the victims of our unfunny bosses, friends, coworkers, spouses, lovers, and acquaintances must unite together and say, “No more!” 

And here comes the rallying cry:

No more shall we allow unfunny folks to continue on as the “American Idol rejects” of humor, oblivious to their own lack of comedic talent. 

No more shall we feel compelled to politely smile at that Black/blonde/redneck joke everyone wishes Uncle Billy would stop telling in front of your Black/blonde/redneck boyfriend. 

No more shall we laugh at the CEO/CFO’s jokes at the company cookout... because rich, old white men are only funny to other rich, old white men and they need to know that…

No more shall we feel further obligation to laugh in order to spare one’s feelings; and, for heaven’s sake, no longer shall we- in flirtatious effort- laugh at the jokes of some good-looking cornball who wouldn’t know funny if it was written on his or her pretty little forehead. 

It is our duty, nay, our responsibility to make sure that the unfunny no longer live in this jaded world that we’ve allowed them to live in. From henceforth, now and forever more, the only sound the unfunny will hear is the sound of crickets chirping!

-Anyway… I didn’t mean to go on for this long… but seriously- life is too short for forced emotion so free your soul. End the cycle of awkward laughter. 

Have a genuinely uproarious day... or not... it's your choice, you know.

-Happy living!

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