Thursday, June 14, 2012

In Honor of Father's Day: "DADDYISMS"

If your Father was involved in your life you heard them all of the time; they are the "Daddyisms"- the life lessons taught to you by your Father. Daddyisms are usually no more than a few sentences long and often take the form of a catch phrase, because Fathers know that there is so much to teach a child that they must present those lessons in a manner in which they can be easily recalled in the time of need.

So, on this Pre-Father's Day morning I'd like to post a few of my Father's Daddyisms and invite you to add your own Father's Daddyisms to the list. I've even added an explanation for a few of them, just in case the message is not as clear to you as it was to me. Many of you have heard me mention these before but, trust me, they never get old. Enjoy :-)


1) "You don't fall in love, you fall in a hole..."

2) "Don't put family business out in the street"

3) "What happened? Well, who did you talk to in order to work it out or to fix the problem?" (lesson: try to solve your own problems first, then call me just in case I need to put the fear of God in someone)

4) "Don't nobody owe you nothing" (lesson: you are not entitled to anything so get over yourself and don't expect the world to give you anything you do not work for)

5) "I am 100% anti-mess" (lesson: I do not suffer fools or any type of foolishness so take it somewhere else)

6) "I already had my children" (read: have some babies if you want too... I won't be raising them)

7) "You don't run my business" (this one is a legacy Daddyism, passed down from my grandpa to my father. Lesson: no one is about to come in my life and tell me how to run it)

8) "Don't respond to a boy who is hissing at you and calling you over. People never see him whispering and calling you, all they see is a fast-tailed girl all up in boys' faces..."

9) "Im not going to have a whole bunch of boys hanging around my house" (lesson: anything can happen when you run in a pack; be wary of big groups of people hanging around doing nothing)

10) "Don't go out to that school acting like the 'Black Butt'" (lesson: society already expects you to be and act a certain way because of your skin color; do not prove them right by acting a fool)

11) "Life is tough and then you die; thank God for Jesus" (lesson: life ain't no crystal stair. You better make sure you know the Lord because your reward is in heaven.)

12) "Pay attention Kaity" (lesson: Kaity, stop acting oblivious all the time or you will be taken advantage of... and your absentmindedness is worrying the heck out of me...)

13) "All I ever tried to do was raise ya'll properly" (lesson: I wasn't perfect but I did my best. Don't try to blame me for what you have made of your adult life.)

14) "Keep your panties up"

15) "Do you see this check?" (show's me a paycheck for a large amount of money) "That's for just two hours of work. This is the kind of pay you get when you work hard."

16) "Ya'll not gonna be living with me forever, when you graduate you better do something" (lesson: I'm not about to raise you for 18 years and then have you living in my house for 10 more years...)

17) "You're watching TV? Is the trash taken out? Is your room clean? Are the dishes washed...?" (read: there is always work to be done. Work hard and then play... but always work hard first)

18) "Why does your sister get to do it and you don't? Because you're not her." (Lesson: don't go around comparing yourself to people. Life is not fair, additional explanation is neither required nor will it be given)

19) "You can't look good by undermining your brother or sister" (lesson: No one will applaud you for throwing someone under the bus. It just makes you look bad

20) Spoken in a sarcastic tone: "It's a jungle out there, right? You just have to live off the land and run wild to survive, right?" (read: boo-hoo, cry me a river... your situation is never so desperate that you have to lie, cheat, and steal to survive)

21) "What's your last name? Parson- don't forget that." (lesson: when you leave my house remember who you are and where you came from)

I hope you all enjoyed the Daddyisms of Ronnie Parson. Feel free to add to the list ;-)


  1. Chuck! You're the first to comment. I feel like I should offer you a prize or something... Thanks. :-)

  2. Your very fortunate Kaity and the best part is I believe you know it! Good job Mr. Parson!!

    1. Thanks Don! I am indeed fortunate and I am always aware of my many blessings.
